A Bend in the Stars

A couple of years ago, I was in a book store and came across A Bend in the Stars, the debut novel by Rachel Barenbaum. It captured my interest, and although I didn't buy it right away, it stayed in my mental list. I finally got the audiobook version of it recently, and now felt... Continue Reading →

Three Pianos

It was spring 2020 when Andrew McMahon revealed he was writing a memoir. With lockdown just begun, it was the perfect opportunity for him to write not songs, but a book. A longtime fan of his, I was thrilled when he announced the finished memoir - Three Pianos - earlier this year. I pre-ordered it... Continue Reading →

The Spanish Daughter

Last month, I was thrilled to win an ARC of The Spanish Daughter by Lorena Hughes. It was already one of my most anticipated books of December (it will be out on the 28th), so I was excited to get a chance to read it early. Spoiler: I loved it! This is definitely a book... Continue Reading →

Never Fall for Your Fiancée

Lately I've been getting more and more into historical romances (though I'm still pretty new to the genre). One book that caught my eye a couple months ago was Never Fall for Your Fiancée by Virginia Heath. I pre-ordered it and could hardly wait for arrive this month. Once it did, I flew through the... Continue Reading →


For the past four years, I've been "babysitting" some of my sister's books while she pursues her PhD. One of those books is LaRose by Louise Erdrich. Since November is Native American Heritage Month, I was planning to read a few novels by Indigenous authors, and my sister recommended LaRose. She'd read it as part... Continue Reading →

Firekeeper’s Daughter

As soon as I saw the breathtaking cover for Firekeeper's Daughter, the debut novel by Angeline Boulley, I was sold. It was one of my most anticipated books of March, then I was thrilled when Book of the Month featured it as an April add-on. Although I bought Firekeeper's Daughter right away, I decided to... Continue Reading →

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