The Emperor and the Endless Palace

Several months ago, before the cover had even been unveiled, I was intrigued about The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang. Spanning three disparate timelines, spotlighting gay Chinese men, and infusing it all with a theme of rebirth and fate, this is a fantasy debut I knew could not be missed. Special thanks... Continue Reading →


One of the books I was most excited for this year is Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman. It's the first in her Scarlet Revolution trilogy, a retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. This novel has 1790s France (vive la révolution!), secret missions, vampires, and adventure—perfect if you want a fast-paced historical fantasy to sink... Continue Reading →

Mademoiselle Revolution

Last year, Zoe Sivak released her debut novel, Mademoiselle Revolution. I've been excited to read it, and now felt like the perfect time: June is both Pride Month and Read Caribbean Month, and this books fits both quite well! Set in the 1790s, it starts in Haiti and the dawn of the Haitian Revolution, then... Continue Reading →

Maddalena and the Dark

A new book I was greatly looking forward to this month was Maddalena and the Dark by Julia Fine. Set in Venice in 1717, it follows two teenage girls attending the Ospedale della Pietà, learning to play their instruments and even get training from Antonio Vivaldi. But there's also a dark magic lurking in the... Continue Reading →

Antoinette’s Sister

Last summer, I loved Diana Giovinazzo's debut novel, The Woman in Red, and I've been anticipating her second book ever since. In January, she released her new historical fiction, Antoinette's Sister. Although I won it in a giveaway in December (yay!), my book didn't arrive until February (sad!)... But no matter - I've finally gotten to... Continue Reading →

Her Country Gentleman

One month ago, a new historical romance book was released into the world. Her Country Gentleman, the first in the Timeless Georgian Collection series, comprises three short stories by Sian Ann Bessey, Sarah M. Eden, and Rebecca Connolly. Kim Bretton narrates the audiobook version. It's an endearing book that is perfect for anyone who enjoys... Continue Reading →

The Kingdom of Back

It was March 2020 when I became enchanted by The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu. Book of the Month offered it as one of their add-on selections that month, and although it hadn't previously been on my radar, it immediately went right into my box. Finally, just after reading another book about Mozart (The... Continue Reading →


A new book has been on my radar for the past few months: Transcendent Kingdom by Yaaa Gyasi. This upcoming release led me to want the author's first book, Homegoing, which was first published in 2016. While I thought about adding it to my bookshelves soon, fate stepped in to speed up the process: The... Continue Reading →

The Mermaid & Mrs. Hancock

Imogen Hermes Gowar's debut novel, The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock, is among the most unusual books I've read. It doesn't fit into the types of books I normally read; while I love historical fiction, it's only recently that my interest in fantasy and magical realism started growing. However, even here, The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock... Continue Reading →

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