Hunt on Dark Waters

I’m officially in my paranormal romance era! And my pirates era, too? For months, I’ve been intrigued about Hunt on Dark Waters, the first in Katee Robert’s Crimson Sails series. Equal parts romance and fantasy, it’s set in the magical sea realm of Threshold, connecting many other realms, including one just like our own. It... Continue Reading →

The Stardust Thief

A fantasy book I was super excited for last year was The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah. Her debut novel, it's also the first in the Sandsea Trilogy. In all honesty, I was first drawn to the cover and the Aladdin vibes I got from it. Even so, this book is all its own, an... Continue Reading →


Over the past several months, I've connected with a new author known as I, Anonymous. I was honored when he offered me an ARC of his new book, Gurzil, the first in the Wars of Wrath series. Gurzil just came out two weeks ago, and it's a book I wholly recommend, whether you're an avid... Continue Reading →

Written in Starlight

It was almost exactly one year ago when I read Isabel Ibañez's debut novel, Woven in Moonlight. Its sequel, Written in Starlight, was one of my most anticipated books of January 2021. I was determined to read it before this year ends, and in these final weeks of 2021, it was exactly the book I... Continue Reading →


Four days ago I finished Zoraida Córdova's Incendiary, the first in her Hollow Crown duology. I really enjoyed it, and with that cliffhanger ending, I couldn't waste a single moment before diving right into its sequel, Illusionary. I flew through it and actually loved it even more than the first book! I'm still swooning over... Continue Reading →


In the past couple of years, I've been getting more into both fantasy and YA fiction. I've also been drawn to books by Latinx authors (partly because my husband is Peruvian) and am always excited to read books set in my favorite country, Spain. So all of those facts combined led me to the perfect... Continue Reading →

Song of the Crimson Flower

It's only in the past year or so that I've reintroduced YA novels back into my life, and I'm so glad I have. It's opened the doors to so many amazing books! One YA book I picked up early in my rediscovery process was Song of the Crimson Flower by Julie C. Dao, which I... Continue Reading →

Star Daughter

Now more than ever, in this closed off world the pandemic has forced us to become, I'm constantly looking for ways to escape and learn. Movies, music, and books have become my refuge, especially those that take me somewhere I've never gone - realistic or fantastical. This month, I was happy to discover Star Daughter... Continue Reading →


I remember when Madeline Miller's Circe first came out in April 2018. It was all over the bookstores and its shining cover drew me in. But it wasn't until January 2019 that I finally bought the book, signing up for Book of the Month to get it. Now, over a year after that purchase, I've... Continue Reading →

The Map of Salt and Stars

I remember when I first saw Zeyn Joukhadar's The Map of Salt and Stars at stores in 2018: I was instantly drawn to its title and cover, and even more intrigued by the summary on the back. It wasn't on my list long before I rushed back and bought it. However, it wasn't until recently... Continue Reading →

Gods of Jade and Shadow

Last spring, I learned about an upcoming novel called Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. I think I was on Goodreads or looking at some article somewhere, but as soon as I saw its gorgeous cover and intriguing title and read the description, I was hooked. So when Book of the Month announced... Continue Reading →

The Ghost Bride

There's always something special about discovering a new book at the library or in the store, a book that instantly grabs your attention and demands to be read. This is what happened when I recently stumbled upon Yangsze Choo's debut novel, The Ghost Bride. On first glance, I assumed The Ghost Bride would be something... Continue Reading →

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