Starling House

A few years ago, I loved Alix E. Harrow’s debut novel, The Ten Thousand Doors of January, and I’ve been eager to read more from her since. Now she has an incredible new novel out: Starling House. A gothic tale of creepy houses, its wardens, and the desperation of those in the area, this is... Continue Reading →

Maybe Once, Maybe Twice

One of my most anticipated books this fall is Maybe Once, Maybe Twice by Alison Rose Greenberg. I’m always a sucker for novels about music, and that’s what first drew me to this one. It follows a singer-songwriter on the verge of success at 35. But in her past, she asked two different men to... Continue Reading →

Book Spotlight: The Wake-Up Call

Last year I loved Beth O'Leary's novel, The No-Show. And though I haven't read any of her other books (yet!), I also really enjoyed the mini-series adaptation of her debut, The Flatshare. Now Beth O'Leary is back with a brand new novel, The Wake-Up Call. This enemies-to-lovers romance follows two hotel receptionists trying to return... Continue Reading →


Several years ago, I absolutely loved The Time in Between by Spanish author María Dueñas. Her debut novel, it was engrossing and exciting, about a naive young woman, Sira Quiroga, becoming an undercover spy for the English during World War II. So I was excited to learn that, at long last, this stellar novel would... Continue Reading →

The Duke Gets Desperate

If you’re looking for a new historical romance series to dive into, look no further than The Duke Gets Desperate by Diana Quincy. The first in her Sirens in Silk series, it’s about an Arab American woman who unexpectedly inherits a castle in Yorkshire… much to the chagrin of the duke who was supposed to... Continue Reading →

The Pomegranate Gate

One of my most anticipated books this fall has been The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan, the first in her Mirror Realm Cycle trilogy. Set during the Spanish Inquisition, it exists in a realistic world not unlike the one we know… plus a fantasy world that mirrors it. It’s inspired by Jewish folklore and combines... Continue Reading →

A Night at the Tropicana

Every month I check the Amazon First Reads selections on offer, happy to get a free book a month before its wider publication. For September, my pick was A Night at the Tropicana, a short story by Chanel Cleeton. I'd read one novel of hers before, Next Year in Havana, and was curious to read... Continue Reading →

Every Duke Has His Day

Today marks the release of Every Duke Has His Day by Suzanne Enoch. This is my first time reading this author, and it was a thoroughly pleasant experience! This historical romance almost reads like a cozy mystery when a duke and a viscount’s daughter both end up victims of a dognapper. Their black poodles, nearly... Continue Reading →

On a Night of a Thousand Stars

Last year I picked up On a Night of a Thousand Stars, the debut novel by Andrea Yaryura Clark. Set between the 1970s and 1990s, it shines a light on the people affected by Argentina’s Dirty War and the repercussions that followed. I listened to the audiobook version of it, narrated by Paula Christensen.  Summary... Continue Reading →

Thank You for Sharing

All of this year I’ve been looking forward to Thank You for Sharing, the debut novel by Rachel Runya Katz, and this week it’s finally here! This second-chance romance stars two Jewish people of color as they work together, rebuild their friendship, and develop a deeper connection along the way. It’s light and fun, but... Continue Reading →


Lately, I’ve been wanting to read more classics. Despite having a bachelor’s degree in English, there are still so many well-known novels that I haven’t read (and so many I’d like to reread)! I decided to get a head start on Spooky SeasonTM by diving into one of the horror classics, Dracula by Bram Stoker.... Continue Reading →

A Shot in the Dark

One of my most anticipated books this month is A Shot in the Dark, the adult romance debut by Victoria Lee. Set during one summer in New York City, it’s a love story between two recovering addicts. The story highlights a character who was raised in an Orthodox Jewish community and a character who is... Continue Reading →

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