The Sun Sets in Singapore

Some months ago, I was on NetGalley when my eyes were drawn to a stunning yellow and red cover. The Sun Sets in Singapore was an equally captivating title. The debut novel by Kehinde Fadipe, it’s about three Nigerian women living in Singapore and the distinct ways their lives are upended when a newcomer, Lani,... Continue Reading →

The Lights of Prague

This month I've been all about reading books involving vampires. My final vampiric novel is one I've had on my shelf for a couple of years: The Lights of Prague by Nicole Jarvis. I picked this up when it first came out, in part because of its eye-catching cover, and partly because I'm interested in... Continue Reading →


One of the books I was most excited for this year is Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman. It's the first in her Scarlet Revolution trilogy, a retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. This novel has 1790s France (vive la révolution!), secret missions, vampires, and adventure—perfect if you want a fast-paced historical fantasy to sink... Continue Reading →

Together We Burn

Though I don’t read much YA anymore, one author I’ve enjoyed is Isabel Ibañez. Her third novel, Together We Burn, came out last year, and I’ve been eager to get to it. Set in a Spain-inspired world, it follows a flamenco dancer who must learn to fight dragons in order to save her family home. ... Continue Reading →

My Roommate Is a Vampire

A few months ago, I read a sampler of 14 romance novels due between summer 2023 and next spring. One of the books highlighted was My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine, a debut paranormal romance. Up until now, I’d read basically no paranormal romances; I didn’t think it would be my thing. But... Continue Reading →

Book Spotlight: Sweeten the Deal

It was only last spring when Katie Shepard released her debut novel, Bear with Me Now. Today, she's back with her second romance, Sweeten the Deal, about a rich but lonely young woman playing "sugar daddy" to a broke artist over ten years her senior. They have a mutually beneficial arrangement: He helps her gain... Continue Reading →

What You Do to Me

We’ve all heard the Plain White T’s hit “Hey There Delilah” countless times since its release in 2006. I’ve loved the song all these years, and the lyrics have always made it easy for me to envision the story like a movie. Now, that story has been reimagined into a whole novel: What You Do... Continue Reading →

Hazardous Spirits

October is a great time for spooky and Gothic books, and I was excited for Hazardous Spirits by Anbara Salam. Set during the 1920s spiritualist movement in Scotland, it has the right atmosphere... but does it live up to its potential? Eh, somewhat. Special thanks to Tin House and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of... Continue Reading →

The Goodbye Cat

Early last year, I enjoyed Hiro Arikawa's novel, The Travelling Cat Chronicles, about a snarky cat whose loving owner is trying to find a new home for him. It was a beautiful and heartrending book, so I was excited to learn about the author’s new collection of short stories, The Goodbye Cat. Two of the... Continue Reading →

The Lover

By now, Silvia Moreno-Garcia is an author I fully trust, no matter the genre or subject matter. Her latest release is a short story called The Lover, part of the Amazon Original Stories collection. It comes out on November 1st, but I was able to get it as part of the Amazon First Reads program... Continue Reading →

An Unsuitable Heiress

Since discovering a love of historical romance four years ago, I’ve dived deep into this delightful genre. However, I’m reaching the point where I now veer towards stories with something a little different to offer, whether it’s diversity in characters or a less conventional plot. This is what drew me to Jane Dunn’s recent novel,... Continue Reading →

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