
In the past couple of years, I've been getting more into both fantasy and YA fiction. I've also been drawn to books by Latinx authors (partly because my husband is Peruvian) and am always excited to read books set in my favorite country, Spain. So all of those facts combined led me to the perfect... Continue Reading →

Beneath a Scarlet Sky

Mark Sullivan's Beneath a Scarlet Sky became a bestseller a few years ago, and its striking cover was impossible to miss. I don't know why I didn't pick it up before, but this spring, my mother-in-law started reading it and enthusiastically recommended it to me. She gifted it to me for my birthday, and I... Continue Reading →

The Woman in Red

A full year ago, The Woman in Red by Diana Giovinazzo was one of my most anticipated books of summer 2020. Though it came out last August and is now due for release in paperback, I'm just finally getting to it now. Following a few books set in Italy - The Ancestor and The Star-Crossed... Continue Reading →

The Ancestor

In spring 2020, one of my most anticipated books was The Ancestor by Danielle Trussoni, a horror set in the Italian Alps. I'm always down for a spooky story set in an isolated location, and even better if there's a European mansion - or castle! - involved. Though I've had The Ancestor on my shelves... Continue Reading →

People We Meet on Vacation

Last year, one of my favorite books was Beach Read by Emily Henry, and since then, I've been counting down the days until her second adult novel, People We Meet on Vacation, would be released. Although it's not due out until May 11th, Book of the Month spoiled their subscribers by offering the new book... Continue Reading →

The Labyrinth of the Spirits

It's been nearly a month, but I've finally reached the end of Carlos Ruiz Zafón's Cemetery of Forgotten Books series! Following The Shadow of the Wind, The Angel's Game, and The Prisoner of Heaven, the series closes with The Labyrinth of the Spirits. At over 800 pages, this is not only the longest book in... Continue Reading →

The Prisoner of Heaven

For the past few weeks I've been working my way through the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series by the late Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Following The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel’s Game, the third novel is The Prisoner of Heaven. In contrast to the other books in the series, this one is fairly short, at only 278... Continue Reading →

The Angel’s Game

I'm currently in the midst of reading Carlos Ruiz Zafón's Cemetery of Forgotten Books series. Following my reread of his beloved The Shadow of the Wind, I've now just finished the second book in the series, The Angel's Game. While it has much in common with the first book, The Angel's Game is also wholly... Continue Reading →

The Shadow of the Wind

I first read Carlos Ruiz Zafón's The Shadow of the Wind four years ago. At the time, it felt like one of the most magical, immersive stories I'd ever read. It wasn't until a couple of years later that I found out it was the first in a series, and my mom was kind enough... Continue Reading →

With the Fire on High

I have a confession: In the first few years after I finished college, I thought I was too old for YA books. I thought I could only read about characters who were my age or older, and that reading YA books would make me look immature. This nonsense went on for several years before I... Continue Reading →

Sex and Vanity

Like so many people around the world, I adored Kevin Kwan's Crazy Rich Asians trilogy and the movie adaptation of the first book. (The second movie should be filmed in 2021, and I can't wait to see it, too!) Naturally, I was super excited when Kevin's new book, Sex and Vanity, was announced, and I... Continue Reading →

Her Last Flight

Just a few weeks ago, I found out that I won an Advanced Reader's Edition of Her Last Flight by Beatriz Williams. This is the first physical book I've ever won from a giveaway on Goodreads - thank you, Goodreads, William Morrow, and HarperCollins! I finished Beatriz Williams's 2019 novel, The Golden Hour, right before beginning Her Last... Continue Reading →

The Silence of the Girls

A week ago I finished Madeline Miller's Circe; immediately after, I dove right into The Silence of The Girls by Pat Barker. The two novels have much in common. Both were published in 2018, both were Book of the Month selections, and both center on famous figures from Greek mythology. More so than Circe, The Silence of... Continue Reading →


I remember when Madeline Miller's Circe first came out in April 2018. It was all over the bookstores and its shining cover drew me in. But it wasn't until January 2019 that I finally bought the book, signing up for Book of the Month to get it. Now, over a year after that purchase, I've... Continue Reading →

The Bird King

I stumbled across G. Willow Wilson's The Bird King on Goodreads shortly before it was published. Though I don't often read fantasy, this book's enchanting cover and summary drew me in, and I knew I needed to get it as soon as it was released. Like the last book I read - The Sisterhood by Helen... Continue Reading →

The Sisterhood

For my birthday this year, my lovely sister got me three books. The first one I decided to read was The Sisterhood by Helen Bryan. It's set in Spain, and my sister knows I love anything related to Spain. That plus the word "sister" in the title made it an ideal gift. The Sisterhood is... Continue Reading →

The Idiot

I love a provocative title, so when I first saw The Idiot by Elif Batuman in the bookstore, I was intrigued. Its summary - multicultural, set against a backdrop of coming of age during college and traveling on your own for the first time - sealed the deal. I bought it, went home, and started... Continue Reading →

The Scribe of Siena

One of my favorite things is when a book calls out to me from its shelf, beckoning me to pick it up and bring it home. This is how I discovered Melodie Winawer's The Scribe of Siena at my local bookstore, amongst the rows of fiction novels. Its cover caught my eye first: a medieval-looking... Continue Reading →

The Time In Between

We're only three months into the year, but I'm already certain that The Time In Between by María Dueñas will be among my favorites of 2017. Originally published in Spanish in 2009, The Time In Between has since become an international bestseller, and for good reason. The novel spans a decade as Sira Quiroga grows... Continue Reading →

Rome in Love

I’m always drawn to books set in Europe, and when I saw Rome in Love by Anita Hughes, it instantly piqued my interest. It follows an actress named Amelia, who is in Rome to film a remake of Roman Holiday… and she’s playing Audrey Hebburn’s part! I haven’t seen Roman Holiday, but I loved Audrey... Continue Reading →


One week ago, I stumbled across Alice Hoffman's young adult novel, Incantation, at a small book store. I'm currently living in Lima, Peru, and although I speak Spanish, I'm not proficient enough to read full novels in Spanish yet. I found Incantation in the English language section, and it instantly captured my interest. The title... Continue Reading →

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