29 Hot New Books Coming Out in July 2021

We're only a couple weeks into this summer, and we've already broken temperature records where I live in the Pacific Northwest! I've been avoiding the sweltering heat, so naturally, that means plenty of time curled up with a cool drink and a good book. New books may be part of my plans this month, and... Continue Reading →

Top 33 New Books Coming in Summer 2020

I don't know about you, but after three months of this pandemic, I've gotten pretty good at self-isolation - largely thanks to my endless TBR pile! If you're looking for some good summer reads to get you through the heat waves, look no further. After sifting through all the upcoming releases, here are 33 of... Continue Reading →

Top 29 New Books to Warm Up Spring 2020

Most of us are preparing for a fairly isolated few months, and during our self-quarantines, we all need a little entertainment. Might I present to you the option of books? Reading will be more important than ever this spring, and you'll need to stock up! After scouring the upcoming releases, here are 29 of the... Continue Reading →

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